Kristen Taekman Lashes Out! Ramona is a Shit Stirrer and Dorinda is Sensitive About John

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As you witnessed during last Tuesday’s episode of the “Real Housewives of New York,” Kristen Taekman suffered a massive case of foot-in-mouth disease in the Berkshires concerning John’s “inappropriateness.” On her Bravo blog, Kristen tries to explain the “shock” she felt when Dorinda put her in her place.

“As for Dorinda. WOW! She is clearly very sensitive to the whole John topic. Very defensive. I had no idea of the history behind this topic before this particular day in the Berkshires. John is sort of known for his inappropriateness? UGH…”

Keep in mind that Kristen was an invited guest to Dorinda’s home and somehow felt that slamming the host’s boyfriend was appropriate.

“So, Dorinda goes off on me, and I am IN SHOCK! I had no idea that she had this in her. I really love Dorinda at this point, so I am mortified by what’s happening! When she starts talking about Josh and then about the fact that me dancing with John is shameful because I’m a mother was unbelievable! Whoa, whoa, slow down…I know that after watching this Dorinda is very emotional and going through a rough time. I know that she doesn’t mean the horrible things she said.” Kristen added, “I know how hard this all is, but still, for her to make all those criticisms about me…”

…was perfectly justified, right? Isn’t it just basic common decency not to insult the hostess in her own home? In the meantime, Kristen addresses her comments made last week referring to Bethenny getting a babysitter. Kristen said,

“The other week you all slammed me about the single parent comment. Absolutely, you believe family comes first! I, too, couldn’t imagine not being able to have access to my kids all the time. I feel for what Bethenny must be going through, but up until this point (that is, until I watched this episode), I had no idea to what extent her time has been limited with her daughter due to the custody issues.”

Apparently, Kristen doesn’t read tabloid magazines because Bethenny’s custody issues were front and center. Kristen still feels this is a lack of effort on Bethenny’s part.

“I haven’t had a lot of one-on-one time with Bethenny. So, up until now it just seems like a real lack of effort. Nothing against her parenting–I learned about all of that the same time you did.” Kristen added, “We are all trying here–Bethenny is a hard one to crack…that’s that!”

In closing, Kristen had two post scripts digs directed at her castmates.

“P.S. Ramona, yes, you cry crocodile tears often, and it’s so fake and obvious!”

“P.S. The dress code for Dorinda’s party was “elegant.” Knots Landing is back, Bethenny. When you RSVP, you get the memo!” 


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