The Walking Dead Recap: “Crossed” [Episode 7]

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The Walking Dead

Rick’s crew is tearing apart the church. Organ pipes become spikes to trap walkers on.  The pews (which Sasha rips apart with mad fury) are used to board the windows. An angry Fr. Gabriel asks if they are going to take the cross, too. I think he should thank them for making sure he might see the end of the apocalypse. He has been living on luck. Shortly after touching the “burn in hell” carving on the side of the church, and thinking about the blood on his hands, he begins to scrub the blood of Gareth’s crew off the floor, first with his fingernails. Psychological trauma and priorities, he has more of the former, and not enough of the latter.

The Walking Dead

Meanwhile, Rick, his facial hair, Tyrese, Sasha, Daryl and Noah head off to ATL to rescue Beth and Carol in the truck Daryl and Noah escaped in last week.  Alone with Sasha in the back of the truck, Tyrese tries to comfort her.  She is not ready to hear that things will get better.  She is still grieving for Bob.  At Grady, Carol is still motionless in her bed, withDoc Edwards and Beth looking on.

The Walking Dead

We finally see Glenn and the group, again, exactly where we left them. Abe is on his knees. Eugene is out cold. Tara has named their group GREATM, using each person’s first name.  She’s cracks jokes about getting it tattooed on her knuckle, but no one finds anything funny, right now. At least the walker herd is gone. Rosita tries to get tough with Abe to snap him out of his funk, but he snaps all together and with wild eyes seems as if he’s going after RositaMaggie pulls her gun and threatens to put him down if he doesn’t sit down. He was suicidal when Eugene’s lie saved him.  He’s apparently not suicidal any more. He complies and is back on his knees staring out at the open road. 

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead

Rick and the gang are plotting out their strategy. The group realizes that no matter what, even if things go according to plans, there will be bloodshed. I’m beginning to think of when the group brought the Woodbury crew back with them. It’s a good thing they have the panel truck to save what will be left of the Grady group. At the church, Carl wants to teach Fr. Gabriel to defend himself. Gabriel is upset, stating that “they” (Gareth’s group) said they would leave. Carl reminds him that “they” were liars and murderers and Fr. Gabriel responds with “just like us.” Carl gives him the speech about learning how to protect himself, not staying in one place too long.  Fr. Gabriel is overwhelmed and walks away, he has to go lie down.

The Walking Dead

At Grady, Beth smirks as Dawn and one of her cops are arguing about not being able to find Noah. When Dawn berates him for his lack of police work the conversation turns to Carol – who is not yet awake.  Knowing where things are headed, Beth snarls that the cop charges his DVD player every day, and “that woman” has only been around for 1 day. Dawn sides with her officer, but gives Beth the key to the drug cabinet to go save Carol. She has to side with her officer, but respects that Beth is not weak, like she thought, and lets her do what she has to save the mystery patient. Rick’s plan must be starting; just then there is a call to Dawn on the walkie about gunshots.

Maggie stays with Eugene (passed out) and Abe (kneeling) while Glenn, Rosita, and Tara head to a nearby stream for water.  They discuss Washington, passing a group of walkers stuck in the mud.  Tara reveals she’s not angry at Eugene for surviving by using the one skill he has. Glenn is angry.  Maggie gets a ladder, placing a blanket over it to shield Eugene from the sun, and walks back to tell Abe to get over himself, they’ve all lost the dream of things getting better. 

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead

Doc Edwards catches Beth and realizes she has a key. He warns her that if Dawn gave it to her, it wasn’t out of the goodness of her heart. He tells her which drugs to use to save Carol. At the stream, Rosita who is filtering the dirty water the way Eugene taught her, also tells Glenn and Tara how she met Abe– when he joined her group’s fight against walkers. He asked her to join him in changing the world.  At the same time, in ATL, Noah draws out two of Dawn’s officers – who think they have the drop on him, until Rick and the crew show up. Just as “Lamson” is asking Rick if he was a cop, Noah vouches that Lamson is a good guy. A second car swings by to rescue the officers, but not before Sasha shoots out the tire. Chasing them down, Daryl is separated from the group as he and one of Dawn’s guys fight it out in a lot of rotting walkers. HE is Daryl, so he does the unthinkable – ripping the skull off of one of them and beating his opponent in the head. Rick shows up and puts down the walker crawling towards them. I am completely in love with the writers!

The Walking Dead

Dawn’s cops offer to kill her and let their friends go if they are allowed to return to the hospital. Lamson speaks up and tells them how to negotiate with Dawn, claiming he only wants peace. Back the stream, Glenn Tara and Rosita kill walkers to get the netting from their jackets to catch fish in the stream. Rosita tells them she’ll stay with the group. At the church, Michonne is checking on Fr. Gabriel and tries to make him feel better. What she doesn’t know is that he is in his office, cutting loose the floorboards to escape. What a waste sealing off the church.

The Walking Dead

At Grady, Beth bribes a resident with strawberries to create a distraction so she can get the meds she needs. In ATL, Sasha flips when she rips Bob’s jacket and we learn that she is angry at herself for not stopping Bob from turning, herself. Tyrese reminds her she only let him help her. At the Church, Fr. Gabriel is free, but falls when a nail goes through his foot.  He hobbles into the woods. Bye, Father G.  In ATL, Rick thanks Lamson before leaving, and all turn when he tells them his name is Bob.

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead

In the woods, Fr. Gabriel is attacked and fights back, until he sees the cross the walker woman is wearing and stops. In ATL, Bob L. talks to Sasha about recognizing one of the rotters outside. She offers to put the walker down. On the road, Maggie takes water to kneeling Abe, who comes to and admits he didn’t want her to shoot him.  Eugene comes to at the same time. Lamson takes Sasha to the window to find his friend, and as she’s looking, he shoves her head at the window and knocks her out.

Next week, I’m sure he will live to regret it. Or Not.


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