Saturday Funnies: Iza ProfreshOnal

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Iza professional


I duz mys appranses profreshannlee!

darleypark_derby-meet n greet-al fresco


I get dars when Iz getz thar!



Peoplezes just dontz getz dats I haz lotz of plazez to be ats to getz mez somz moneys for mez andz Joe

i'm here-finally


Iz buzy hustl’n

tre-hustling gif


Likes Joe’z doings. SEEZ!



Soz comz andz seez me!  ANDZ givez tos m̶e̶z̶ my favorit charity!

empty-bar-2 with Tre 9f8422ec0677f63b89d8b37a3594ba82.400x300x16


Haz somes of myz fabulicious foodz andz drinks!



mice drining fushi


Catchz me when youses can. ‘Causez I be buzy

hustlin Tre-orange



*Content for comedic purposes only. Not intended to be taken seriously*

Teresa Giudice


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