Saturday Funnies: They Told Me I Couldn’t Swear, I Told Them “F” Youses

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Greats Newz!


It wuz a surprize fur my parents, Juicy and Tre, when they read abouts mine cumin in da magazine


Buts theys wurs happy!
miz parentz


Wez wuz allz bery happy


I showed my newz sistas lotz of fun stuff


Mom andz me playz lots of games together befores shez goes ‘aways’
mommy n me gif


Myz parentz are getting lotz of monies for myz college edjamacation. So youses allz give them allz youses monies! Or if youses see me out on da streets just give it to mez.



The Video


*Content for comedic purposes only. Not intended to be taken seriously* 

Teresa Giudice


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