Kandi’s Wedding Finale Recap: The Wedding Day Is Here & Mama Joyce Makes Kandi Cry On Her Wedding Day
Recap written by Carole B.
The much-anticipated celebration of Kandi Burruss’ “Coming to America” themed nuptials finally aired. After five agonizingly long weeks of drama-filled wedding planning, fans worried that last-minute bickering over the prenup might just derail the blessed event.
At the start of the episode, Todd is a no-show at the rehearsal dinner. Instead, he decides to kick it with his crew in a very red lounge. The homies’ consensus is that he should not yield to the ultimatum or else, he will forever be known as “baby Steadman” should he capitulate to the demands of the prenup.
Back at a restaurant across town, Kandi’s camp is comforting her about the potential prenuptial setback…with one notable exception. That paragon of maternal sensibility, Joyce, is gloating ear to ear while informing everyone that “Mama Joyce isn’t as crazy as you thought.” Yeah, nothing says sanity and compassion more than speaking of oneself in third person. “This City Slicker is looking for a payday,” she adds.
Todd’s mom Sharon takes her own life into her hands by mentioning Mama Joyce’s name within earshot. Kandi’s mom creeps up behind her soon-to-be son-in-law’s mama with a nefarious expression gracing her face. Luckily Kandi manages to get her to back away from the table before Sharon notices.
2 am – Day of the Wedding
After speaking to his “dudes,” Todd realizes he has to talk to Kandi.
Todd pulls into the driveway of one of Kandi’s twin McMansions to whisper sweet prenuptial nothings into her ear. If Kandi will agree to fix two issues, the walk down the aisle is back in play. She agrees to trim the clauses about Todd being kicked out of the McMansion within 30 days of separation or divorce and if Kandi dies – “all the will type stuff” that would prevent him from receiving his due as her widower
8 Hours to the Wedding
Kandi declares that she will not be jumping anybody’s broom until Todd signs that paperwork.
7 Hours to the Wedding
It’s glam squad time and Kandi’s favorite hair stylist, Derek J., compliments Kandi’s cousin Weenie on her stellar face beating – ahem – I mean makeup application.
Meanwhile, back at the wedding venue, Kandi’s manager Don Juan says that he “won’t be planning no wedding, ever again.” I love a double negative.
In Todd’s hotel room, his daughter Kaela makes her debut on the episode. She jets off to get a mani-pedi and Todd’s mom Sharon immediately turns up the heat – asking if he intends to sign the papers. He assures her that it is all worked out for the best. Even if it seems that “everything is about money,” nothing will stand in the way of the joyous day.
Back at glam headquarters, American Idol icon Fantasia and “T.I. & Tiny: The Family Hustle” star, Tiny make an appearance as do the rest of the bridesmaids who are all questioning if Reco will have dresses ready in time for the ceremony.
6 Hours to the Wedding
We are in Kandi’s wedding prep suite as Mama Joyce says she will be bequeathing Reilly her sapphires and padparadschas before referring to Kandi’s wedding date, April 4th, 2014, as D-Day. For you aspiring history buffs out there, the storming of the beaches of Normandy was actually June 6th, 1944. Hey, I’m sure the two days will be remembered as having the same level of significance.
Next, she turns her virtual claws in the direction of Todd’s teenage daughter, Kaela, who is innocently having her lashes applied a few feet away. She implies that Kandi should always consider her as the redheaded step daughter. After all, she is spawn of the he-devil.
Mama Joyce is not crazy about the “Coming to America” dance. She thinks it clashes with the French Provincial décor and she uses the opportunity to take a jab at Kandi and that “big headed Napoleon” Todd. You cinema connoisseurs out there no doubt remember the Coming to America portrayal of the nubile, subservient bride hopping on one foot and barking at Eddie Murphy’s command. Joyce reenacts the role with acidic aplomb. I have to give it to her for staying on message though – French provincial and “big headed Napoleon?” Okay, I have to begrudgingly admire that shade. Cue evil cackle.
4.5 Hours to the Wedding
Reco Chapelle sweatily makes a grand entrance to the bridal hotel suite, wedding gown draped over his supple wrists.
RC: “A bitch been on Red Bull, coffee and Cheese Nips.”
His tweaking efforts have produced a gown that looks part Vegas showgirl, part icecapades and a whole lot of crystal-laden ostrich.
Reco unceremoniously wraps the bedazzled garment in a bedsheet and hoists it off to the wedding venue.
4 Hours to the Wedding
Todd answers the door to his hotel room and in walks the prenup lawyer, a witness and videographer (just in case the Bravo production team misses an angle). Sporting his jeans and ironically, a wifebeater undershirt, he is ready for his close-up. Todd finally gets down to business, signs his name on the dotted line and buries the bone of contention that just wouldn’t go away. No alimony for you!!!
3 Hours to the Wedding
Kandi’s maid and man of honor present her with a store-bought reception dress. Apparently, Reco was going to make another dress for Kandi for the afterparty but he got sidetracked finishing Fantasia’s frock instead. Over at the wedding venue, guests are delighted by the lion on display in a Barnum/animal crackers-reminiscent cage.
Todd’s daughter Kaela, 17, looks mopey. Kandi is upset.
At Todd’s camp, the groomsmen hoist shots of Don Julio to Todd’s happiness, all the while teasing him about signing the infamous prenup.
Back in the bridal makeup headquarters, Kandi asks her mom if she has said anything to Kaela. Joyce denies it but adds that she doesn’t care about her. Kandi admonishes her about her tone – reminding her that Kaela is only a child. The manipulative matriarch tells Kandi not to “check her, boo,” a callback to Sheree, an RHOA luminary of times gone by. As they bicker, Reilly pipes in, imploring them to calm down before storming off in a huff. Kandi tries not to smudge her makeup as tears threaten her eyeliner.
After the break, Joyce sort of apologizes to Reilly while claiming that she never said anything to Kaela, Todd’s daughter. Reilly sounds like the voice of maturity compared to her grandma.
1 Hour to the Wedding
Phaedra arrives in a leopard print ensemble, cheering Kandi on for getting her prenuptial business handled.
7 pm – Start Time
Yes, it’s start time, but of course our begirdled bride is running late. At least traffic gives her and Reilly a chance to pray in the Escalade.
8 pm – 1 Hour After Start Time
Kandi implores her bridal party to get dressed and finally takes her own advice and dons her wedding gown.
90 Minutes Late
The wedding begins with smooth R&B sounds by Q Parker – a passive aggressive ballad declaring “Everyone shouldn’t have a say in our love.” Hear that, Mama J?
Scantily clad African garbed attendants scatter rose petals. The bridal party walks the aisle gracefully. Even Phaedra and Apollo manage to say a natural sounding “I love you” to each other as they approach the altar.
Todd keeps nodding his head soulfully.
Mad Scientist sings “She’s Your Queen” as Kandi approaches the aisle from behind two ostrich plumed fans held by nubile Nubians. Just when you think she’s about to emerge, a cadre of loin-clothed dancers floods the walkway, feathers and moneymakers pulsating rhythmically.
“Look at that big old jolly black giant, girl,” is Phaedra’s dignified response.
Kandi is all smiles as she finally walks up the aisle to the crooning of Musiq Soul Child. Todd sheds a few tears – but that could be because Joyce is nearby. Tension mounts as the officiant, Kandi’s father, recites the line asking if anyone would like to object. Joyce wonders why everyone is looking at her. Hm…wonder why?
Both Kandi and Todd look blissful as they exchange rings with each other. They are tearful as they place rings on each others’ daughters’ fingers in a sweet gesture of familial solidarity. The ceremony concludes with a few more Africanesque dances.
Mama Joyce manages to look miserable during the family portrait, which Cynthia’s husband, Peter notices. Porsha and her sister remark on how nice the wedding is. At the start of the reception, Kandi implores Todd to not get drunk.
Kandi mentions her new ring to her profoundly unimpressed mama, who shrugs her shoulders.
The first dance is romantic and Todd grabs Kandi’s butt as her ostrich plume train covers a quarter of the floor.
Derek J and Miss Lawrence chat about how gorgeous Kandi’s gown is, but lament its transport by bedsheet express – Sheree briefly chimes in.
Fantasia and others give rousing toasts to the happy couple as Joyce refuses to do so. Somehow, the MC doesn’t get the message and she is called up on stage anyway. She musters a short but surprisingly sweet message.
Dancing and partying ensues. Bel Biv Devoe sing their 90’s hits and bring the house down.
Kandi throws bouquet, and Porsha misses it.
The bride and groom share a moment together – Todd tries to get Kandi to promise to never do things last minute – massive fail. The bride does agree to use his last name as her own – at least for the night.
Watch Kandi and Todd’s wedding video below — Hear well wishes for the happy couple from all of their family and friends!
[Click here to view Kandi’s Wedding Album]