Saturday Funnies: Iza Knows Isa Caint B Wrong
I knoz I’ma right becuz I’ma RICH! And Iza hav more clazz than youse!

I haz a beauteful houz!

We’z gotz a special room fur Joe
My Juicy luvs luvs luvs me

My kids arez soz goodz andz wells mannered!

My Juicy getz me my furrs all daz times
Hi Haterz….Mama Mia… iza hota!

Imz cuminz out witz a new product soon!

Look for newz at youzes Post Offices!

Check out my hota new video “amma wronz”
*content for comedic purposes only and not intended to be taken seriously*
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Nancy Zhāng is an Entertainment Blogger for All About The Tea. Nancy covers hot topics, recaps and celeb news. She loves to multi-task as a writer and a private chef. She received a B.S. in Mass Communications from LSU. Nancy’s married and the proud mom of 2 German Shepherds.