Exclusive Interview: The “Other” Woman In the Drea Kelly and Brian McKee Love Triangle Speaks Out!
We first introduced JayLynn Umbleby to the world when “All About The Tea” broke the story on the Drea Kelly and Brian McKee cheating scandal (Read the story here).

Famous as one of the women who broke up Drea Kelly and Brian McKee, JayLynn Umbleby opens up about the ordeal that has turned her world upside down.
Drea Kelly & Brian McKee
JayLynn Umbleby spoke with “All About The Tea” exclusively for a candid interview. JayLynn gained notoriety for her involvement in a relationship with Brian McKee, the husband of Drea Kelly of “Hollywood Exes.”
Who is JayLynn Umbleby? The 26-year old keeps herself busy working, she’s a business woman in addition to a Choreographer and has proven herself to be one tough cookie. This gutsy, honest, hard-working young lady bares her soul, answers the tough questions and addresses her harshest critics in our exclusive interview.
AATT: How did you meet Brian? Were you in love with him?
Jaylynn: “I met Brian when I worked at Sprint in 2012, we dated on and off since then. I wouldn’t say I was in love with him but perhaps in love with the attention [he gave me] and way he treated me. He was a great guy to me or as I thought.”
AATT: What drove you to come forward?
Jaylynn: “I don’t think it’s fair for someone to intentionally use someone else and cause pain upon them. We got into an argument before the show premiered. I wanted to know if the relationship was really just for tv or was it real.”
Jaylynn: “Brian got upset called me out my name and blocked me from contacting him, so I took it upon myself to reach out to Drea. I tried to contact her on IG after no response I reached out to Tony, her assist. When I told him me and Brian had been talking and he tells me he loves me all the time, Tony kind of sarcastically said ‘Well I’m sure he does love you and Jesus does too.’ This kind of hurt! I was upset that I felt like I was being mocked and treated as a liar, so I publicly posted screen shots of me and Brian’s conversations.”
Jaylynn: “After the screen shots, Drea said I hurt her and her kids. This was devastating to me because it wasn’t my intentions. I apologized and took down all the public info, without being asked to.”
AATT: Did Brian contact you after the show aired with an explanation?
Jaylynn: “No, before I even posted anything I messaged Brian on Google voice since he had blocked my number from a previous argument. I begged him to apologize to me and come clean and I will let everything go and be done with him and everything, he refused and called me crazy because he did not think anything he was doing was wrong. I have not talked to him since nor do I plan too.”

AATT: How did he explain being married on the show?
Jaylynn: “He simply stated it was just for the show. He even said in a text message that he had to do this for his family, he had to think about their needs but his heart was with me. And that’s all that mattered.”

AATT: You told me that you recently spoke to Drea Kelly. After your discussion, do you have a better understanding of why she was reluctant to believe you at first?
Jaylynn: “Absolutely, I know nothing about her lifestyle. I now understand, there are crazy people out there who try to hurt others or do anything possible for fame. I’m thankful things turned out better in the end.”
AATT: Some might say you exposed Brian because you’re seeking fame? Why did you come forward?
Jaylynn: “I exposed the truth simply because, if I was in her situation, I would want the same. Also in my heart I know what’s right and what’s wrong and God would not have allowed me to not have a heavy heart knowing what that man’s intentions were and not speaking up.”
AATT: Brian did a recent interview where he apologized to Drea, has he apologized to you?
Jaylynn: “No, and I am okay with that. I want nothing from him other for him to tell Drea and tell the world the FULL truth not bits and pieces. And stop making me seem to be some ‘side chick’ that’s after 15 minutes of fame. I’m not….I’m perfectly content with where I am and I want NOTHING out of this except the truth.”
AATT: Do you think Brian married Drea for love or to further his career?
Jaylynn: “I don’t think rather I KNOW it is for his career as it’s come from his own mouth to my ears!”
AATT: Another woman came forward and said Brian asked her for thousands of dollars. Has he ever asked you for money or gifts?
Jaylynn: “Absolutely not! He knew better. I’ve never given that man anything other than my precious time.”
AATT: Did you notice a change in Brian’s character after the show aired?
Jaylynn: “Absolutely. I noticed a change in Brian when the show started filming. He was very short tempered. He would be very short in conversations and get angry with me over the smallest things.”
AATT: Do you think Brian is materialistic?
Jaylynn: “I know he is materialistic! He’s always been, however I’m a simple yet classy confident woman so it never bothered me.”

AATT: Have you received threats since coming forward?
Jaylynn: “I just received one weird email but I disregarded and ignored it. I did not take it seriously at all.”
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Nancy Zhāng is an Entertainment Blogger for All About The Tea. Nancy covers hot topics, recaps and celeb news. She loves to multi-task as a writer and a private chef. She received a B.S. in Mass Communications from LSU. Nancy’s married and the proud mom of 2 German Shepherds.