Gigilo Gate
The episode opens with Brian and Drea in the studio. Drea’s new man, Brian is an aspiring R&B singer (don’t laugh) and pursuing a singing career. Click here for an update on the real Brain. The dynamics of the relationship appears to be… Brian, the struggling singer and Drea, the sugar mama. Drea has the connections to the studios, music execs and producers and hooks him up with Ida Dewitt, CEO of Notifi Records. Brian is recording a song for their wedding day, he sings, “Can I watch you sleep inside me every night?” (inert your own joke here).

He claims his primary focus for the song is for the wedding but wouldn’t mind if the record is used on his album. Suuuuure ya don’t mind, Bri. *wink* Drea compares Brian’s singing to her ex R. Kelly. She says R. Kelly is the king of R&B and Brian is the prince of R&B. No honey, Brian is the court jester of R&B! Drea jokingly says Brian singing is baby making music and Brian quickly shuts her down with a the hand and a “Shhhhhh!!!!” There’s an awkward silence. I see no love in Brian’s eyes for Drea. The waves on his head are swimming in a sea of opportunist playa and Drea reeks of sugar mama desperation!
Fur Gate
Nicole and Mayte meet for lunch and from jump, it’s uncomfortable. You can cut the tension in the air with a knife. Nicole waste no time asking Mayte for an apology. Mayte says “you have your story and I have mine” and backs away from making any apologies. Mayte says she felt attacked for being passionate about what she’s passionate about (fur). For f*ck sakes, somebody get Mayte her medication! That child is not working with a full deck. Mayte refuses to acknowledge any wrongdoing for purposely breaking Nicole’s glass sugar bowl. Which she admitted to breaking (on purpose) in her TH last episode. Mayte, bless her heart, has a few screws loose and the maturity of a child.

Mayte dismisses Nicole’s feelings and justifies her actions all in the name of fur. Peta, y’all have a fur martyr on your hands! Mayte uses Peta as an excuse to vandalize property and let off steam. Who needs therapy when you have Peta! The women agree to disagree but I have a feeling this is not over.

Run Humberto
Mayte’s new boyfriend, Humberto is visiting from Tampa. Mayte’s got a man and she’s in looove! Eyeroll. The couple discuss their future…Humberto moving to LA, marriage and babies. He has no kids and Mayte is talking about her favorite subject…BABIES. She’s already referring to the fellow as “dad.” Run Humberto run!

Tony Sees The RedFlags
Drea and her assistant/bff, Tony go wedding dress shopping. Tony is not feeling Brian and want’s to know what his intentions are. Drunk-in-love Drea disagrees and tells him “she got this” and is no fool (don’t laugh). Tony ponders why the rush and wants to have a one-on-one with Brian. Drea is overcome with emotion when she sees herself in a wedding gown for the first time. She has no wedding pics from her first marriage to R.Kelly. When she wed R. Kelly, they got married in tracksuits at the justice of the peace. Tony on the other hand, has anxiety and major doubts about the wedding and Brian. Smart man!
Shanna’s Party
Shanna Moakler hosts a poker party and invites all the ladies over. Sheree plays match-maker and hooks Jessica up with a muscular Adonis…a fine specimen of a man…her son’s personal trainer, Austin. Jessica says he’s the black version of Jose (Jose Canseco her ex-hubby) and gets her flirt on, immediately. Jessica was all, “Holy sh*t! Is this for real? And and he’s black and he’s hot. This is too good to be true.” Sooooooo all that kinda leads to Austin helping Jessica stretch at the gym. OMG! Tony seizes this opportunity to have a heart-to-heart with Brian to understand his motives. A point that stands out in this convo is Brian mentions R. Kelly and his money. Brian does very little to reassure Tony and me that’s he not an opportunist using Drea.
Will Smith Money
Mayte and Sheree meet for dinner to clarify Mayte’s “Will Smith Money” comment. This is starting to be routine for Mayte. Drea joins them to play referee. Mayte claims she didn’t attend the party because she does not have a nanny and was afraid to bring her child, in fear of losing her. Mayte makes absolutely no sense. I think her and Humberto were cozied up and didn’t want to be bothered. Mayte is a pathological liar and extremely manipulative so she managed to skate by the “Will Smith money” comment by playing the single mother card. Once again, Mayte takes no responsibility for her actions. She lacks the ability to apologize which is a major character flaw. Sheree seems to fall for her bullcrap and the ladies make up.

No Baby For You, “Suga Mama”
The episode ends with Drea and Brian having dinner at a swanky restaurant. Drea uses this time to drop a bomb on Brian. She tells her boo that she wants him to get his vasectomy reversed so that they can have a child together. Drea has her head so far in the clouds she can’t see the smoke signals. Brian without hesitation shuts her down with a bold “NO!” Brian makes it clear, he’s focused on his “career,” not babies. What career? Did I miss something? His Instagram posts are filled with #HollywoodExes #VH1 #Actor and his music career was set in motion by Drea connecting him to Ida Dewitt. Brian says the only way he’d have a baby is if the baby came with a million dollars attached. Welp, there you have it! He’s made his agenda clear and Drea is not apart of his plan. Too bad Drea didn’t see Brian’s true colors until it was too late. Read the truth about Brian here.

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Nancy Zhāng is an Entertainment Blogger for All About The Tea. Nancy covers hot topics, recaps and celeb news. She loves to multi-task as a writer and a private chef. She received a B.S. in Mass Communications from LSU. Nancy’s married and the proud mom of 2 German Shepherds.